Corkscrew Swamp

Audubon Birding Centers in Florida - Corkscrew Swamp Bird SanctuaryCorkscrew Swamp Bird Sanctuary

SW Florida Everglades Bird Trails Audobon Society Birding

The Corkscrew Swamp Bird Sanctuary is an Audubon Society treasure. This unique nature preserve is a wonderful place to view and photograph birds and other Florida wildlife. Florida Birding TrailCorkscrew Swamp FloridaWalk the boardwalk into the mangrove forest and marshland for an up close look at the swamp and its creatures.Panther Island in Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary was chosen to participate in funding from Together Green, from Pennies for the Planet. Pennies for the Planet is a childrens’ fund raising and education campaign that will directly benefit Corkscrew and Panther Island wildlife. Share your Marco Island – Naples FL birding reviews or ask us about visiting Marco Island Florida. To feature your business, contact us.

Audubon Society Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Corkscrew Swamp Wildlife

There is a wide range of wildlife at Corkscrew the viewing includes; Bats, Big Brown Bat, Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat, Evening Bat, Northern Yellow Bat, Seminole Bat,Brazilian Free-tailed Bat, Florida Bonneted Bat, American Alligator, Frogs, Toads, Green Tree Frog, Lizards, Gecko, Skink, Brown Anole, Snakes, Black Racer, Blue Stripe Garter, Water Snake, Eastern Indigo Snake, Wood Storks, Cormorants-Darters, Cranes, Cuckoos,Doves, Ducks, Falcons, Finches, Flycatchers, Gnatcatchers, Kinglets, Goatsuckers,Grebes, Gulls, Herons, Egrets, Hummingbirds, Ibises, Storks, Jays, Crows, Kingfishers, Kites, Hawks, American Eagles, Meadowlarks, Orioles, Blackbirds, Owls, Pelicans, Plovers, Quail, Turkeys, Sandpipers, Starlings, Swallows, Swifts, Tanagers, Mockingbirds, Thrushes, Vireos, Vultures, Warblers, Waxwings, Weaver Finches, Woodpeckers, Wrens

Ghost Orchids

The Ghost Orchid opened a single bloom on March 26 of 2010. The bloom was visible from the boardwalk. Blooms typically last 10-14 days and open in succession. Ghost Orchids may bloom from April through August with the heaviest blooming occurring in July.

The Ghost Orchid is native to Southwest Florida and Cuba. In Florida, its range is very localized in swamps in the Fakahatchee, Big Cypress, and Corkscrew areas of Collier and Hendry Counties.

The Ghost Orchid is an endangered species. It is illegal under both state and federal laws to remove or relocate. Corkscrew’s Ghost Orchid is growing on the trunk of a 400-500 year old Bald Cypress tree here in the swamp.

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Boardwalk Birdwatching WIldlife Viewing

The previously highest known location of any Ghost Orchid in Collier County was in Fakahatchee at 23 feet. The Corkscrew plant is approximately 45-50 feet above ground. A Ghost Orchid had not been observed from Corkscrew boardwalk for at least 12 years prior to its discovery in 2007. It is estimated that this plant is 30-35 years old.

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Audobon Society Birding

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
375 Sanctuary Road
West Naples, FL

A 2.25 mile walkway takes you above the swamp floor through four distinct environments. Audubon Society volunteers and interpretive signs educate along the way. Bring a camera. Allow 2 – 3 hours. Admission is charged. Hawks, Eagles, Egrets, Stork, and other Florida birds and wildlife. This park is open every day weather permitting.

Bird Species of Southwest Florida

Birding,Florida Bird Trails, Flamingos,Marco Island Birds, Marco Island Birding,FLorida Birds,Florida Birding

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Corkscrew Sanctuary Florida